Summary Profile & Adding Value of Service Provider:

  • Professional possessing 26+ years of experience in Finance Management, Business Development, Risk Modelling, Building Internal Controls, Business & Operational Auditing, Risk Assessment and People Management.
  • Certified advanced Basel II Master Class Training – Organized by Fleming Gulf in Riyadh
  • Certified Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) in Switzerland Basel
  • Credit Risk Management – Organized by IOB in Riyadh
  • Moody's Risk Analyst _ Internal Rating Model - Organized by Risk Matrix Limited in Riyadh
  • Combating Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing & Financial Crimes – Certify by Fleming Gulf
  • Developing Risk Model, Re-engineering Business Work Process, Structuring MIS reports, Conducting Risk Assessment.
    Identifying risk-control gaps and propose the required corrective measurements.
  • Identify opportunities for maximizing portfolio returns.
  • Assist decision makers in risk analysis and identify continuous improvement.
  • To support and develop the overall performance of the entity and raise clients' satisfaction.
  • Provide a process to transfer knowledge in a scheduled and structured manner.